Welcome to the 2024 season!

Please read through the below FAQ carefully and get back to us if you have any questions.
Thank you!
How does the program work?
Every Wednesday, you will receive a fresh supply of seasonal organic vegetables that are ready packed in a rubbermaid bin. You return your empty bin each following week when you get your new bin. It is a rotating system.
Time/Duration: This weekly program starts on Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 and runs until October 9th, 2024 (a total of 15 weeks). Box pick-up day is: WEDNESDAY between 4:00pm – 6:00pm. Please no early birds.
Location: ReMax Building parking lot – 568 Highway 16, Smithers BC.
Location: There is a NEW pick up location: ReMax Building parking lot, 568 Highway 16 in Smithers.
Price: $480 ($32 per box)
A registration fee of $15 is required.
A $15 refundable box deposit is included in this price.
Payment Options:
- Pay grand total (most preferred).
- Two separate instalments: July/August (9 weeks) = $288. September/October (6 weeks) = $192.
- Weekly payments accepted only upon special request (cash only).
Payment Methods:
[email protected]
Cheques mail to:
Joe Hug
981 Laidlaw Rd.
Smithers BC V0J 2N6
Drop off in person at the above address (in an envelope with your name on it) or bring on July 6th.
What if I can only pay per week?
This will require special arrangements, but we ask you to try to stick to the payment plan outlined above, since it gives us more time to focus on farming delicious vegetables vs. bookkeeping.
What is the Box Deposit?
The $15 box deposit is a refundable ‘rental fee’ for the rubbermaid tote we provide (already included in the total price). If you return your bin on the very last pick up day, you will receive a $15 credit, which can be used for extra veggies or registering for next season.
What if I forget to bring my empty bin back?
If you forget to return your empty bin on any given Wednesday, we simply load your veggies into a plastic bag in lieu. If you return your empty bin, you get to take the new filled bin home.
What happens if I’m not here for one/several of those weeks?
You organize somebody who will pick up for you. You can gift/sell your bin to a neighbour, friend, etc. Many people appreciate the opportunity to try out the program to decide whether it works for them. We do not need to be informed if you organize someone else to get your bin. Simply instruct this person carefully about the pick-up procedure (i.e. sign in, check empty box return). There are no reimbursements for missed weeks available through the farm. Please make sure to have your pick-up person return the empty bin to you once you are back.
What if I cannot make Wednesdays?
Please send someone in lieu.
What if I forget to pick up my bin?
To avoid this, please activate a regular reminder on your phone or write it down on your calendar. You do get a weekly email with reminders & recipe suggestions on Monday/Tuesday (make sure [email protected] is in your address book to avoid those emails landing in your spam). If you do forget you will get contacted by phone/email to come to the farm the next day to pick up your bin from our refrigerated trailer. Bins that have not been picked up by Friday at 6pm will get donated to families in need (unless further arrangements were made).
What if there is a vegetable in my bin that I do not like/want?
There will be a ‘trade bin’ with extras from the harvest. You can place one unwanted item in that bin and take another [wanted] item instead. This is limited to 1 item per bin.
If you do wish to volunteer, we are happy to have you! You can take extra veggies home as a token of our appreciation.